Registration closed.
Sorry, you missed it! Registrations are closed for this tournament.
Welcome to Summoners War tournament hosted by sendcrystals. This is a 1v1 tournament. I'm holding an rta tournament and would like to invite anyone from Ninebandit and Tos Community to join! There will be a cash prize to be announced day of tournament. (Donations welcome but not mandatory pm me) This is the third tournament I've put together and the first two were a blast! The rules are below. Any questions, comments, suggestions let me know!! Allowed • 4☆ and below • 2As • 6☆ maxed • Skilled up • Hoh Lds 4* only (list can be provided) Not Allowed • Artifacts • Nat 5☆ • Runes
- 1. Please be respectful to your host and other participants. If any malicious behavior is reported, you will be removed from the tournament.
- 2. Please be on time for your registration, check-in, and for the actual tournament. You (and your team) will be disqualified on no-show.
- 3. You and all of your teammates must be registered to qualify for the event.
- 4. You can play in this tournament only if your registered and in-game names match, otherwise you will be disqualified.
Comment rejoindre un
Discord Étapes
Accédez au salon textuel #tournament-info dans Discord pour connaître les détails du tournoi
Cliquez sur #tournament-lobby en dessous du salon #tournament-info
Pour participer au tournoi, tapez !register dans le salon #tournament-lobby
Tourney vous enverra un Message Privé, tapez !joinsolo <your in-game username> en MP
Vous vous êtes inscrit avec succès au tournoi .
Please contact sendcrystals!