Registration closed.
Sorry, you missed it! Registrations are closed for this tournament.
Welcome to the Phoenix & EVO53B Heroic Magic Duel Inter guild tournament, starting at 4pm, 27/12/2020.
Random deck generator made by @Ragfire will be used!
Command list:
!random <@userName>|
- 1. This tournament will be best out of 3.
- 2. Bracket based of which brackets will be generated on the day of the tournament once everyone has signed up. The combatants will be selected at random by AI.
- 3. This tournament will be random decks, generated by Ragfire's deck shuffler (above), it is up to the combatants to decide between themselves if they select, a purely random deck or a deck w/o legendaries or mythic. Combatants will need to organize and add each other as friends.
- 4. Once you sign up for the tournament you must agree to be active at the tournament start time (27/12/2020)
- 5. To avoid long wait times, a timer will initiate at the beginning of 15 minutes (Per battle), if failure to show within the 15-minute timer, automatic disqualification will occur.
- 6. Upon the end of the battle and a victor is decided (Loser of which will be eliminated from battle), the winner of the matchup, must post results on the discord within the tournament section. (details on how to add results will be available on the day)
- 7. Have fun!
Jak dołączyć do turnieju
Discord Krok po kroku
Przejdź do kanału tekstowego #tournament-info turnieju na Discordzie, aby dowiedzieć się o szczegółach turnieju
Kliknij w #tournament-lobby na dole kanału z informacjami o turnieju
To weź udział w turnieju, wpisz !register w #tournament-lobby channel
Bot Tourney wyśle Ci wiadomość ; wpiszj !joinsolo <twoja nazwa użytknownika w grze> na prywatnej wiadomości Tourney
Z powodzeniem zarejestrowałeś się w turnieju .