This tournament can only be played using the app. Download the app to register.
Sorry, you missed it! Registrations are closed for this tournament.
1v1 rankings league. Players must use the mestt discord server. Guns and bans to be determined by host. 1 match (1v1) 3 rounds each, best of 2 games will be declared the winner and advance to the next round. Links will be on the discord server only. Games are played and managed on our discord server only. You will not find links to lobbies here. Ingame names must match discord names. Names must be stream friendly.
- 1. Please be respectful to your host and other participants. If any malicious behavior is reported, you will be removed from the tournament.
- 2. Please be on time for your registration and for the actual tournament. You (and your team) will be disqualified on no-show.
- 3. You and all of your teammates must be registered to qualify for the event.
- 4. You can play in this tournament only if your registered and in-game names match, otherwise you will be disqualified.
Как принять участие в турнире?
- app Steps
Скачайте приложение из App Store или Play Store
Выполните вход с помощью номера мобильного телефона и одноразового пин-кода
Нажмите на турнир, чтобы узнать подробности, и нажмите на "Зарегистрироваться". Далее следуйте инструкциям на экране
Вы успешно зарегистрировались на турнир