Registration closed.
Sorry, you missed it! Registrations are closed for this tournament.
Welcome to Ludo Club tournament hosted by DreamDoll. This is a Classic tournament.
- 1. Please be respectful to your host and other participants. If any malicious behavior is reported, you will be removed from the tournament.
- 2. Please be on time for your registration and for the actual tournament. You (and your team) will be disqualified on no-show.
- 3. You and all of your teammates must be registered to qualify for the event.
- 4. You can play in this tournament only if your registered and in-game names match, otherwise you will be disqualified.
Turnuvasına Nasıl Katılırım?
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Oyun Adınızı girin ve sayfanın sonundaki Kayıt düğmesine tıklayın.
Kayıt tamamlandı.
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