



  • 1st PLACE

    ₹ 30,000

  • 2nd PLACE

    ₹ 20,000

  • 3rd PLACE

    ₹ 15,000

  • 4th PLACE

    ₹ 10,000

  • 5th PLACE

    ₹ 7,000

  • 6th PLACE

    ₹ 5,000

  • 7th PLACE

    ₹ 4,000

  • 8th PLACE

    ₹ 3,500

  • 9th PLACE

    ₹ 3,000

  • 10th PLACE

    ₹ 2,500

  • 11th PLACE

    ₹ 2,500

  • 12th PLACE

    ₹ 2,000

Semi Finals

  • Top 12 in Group A

    ₹ 1,500

  • Top 12 in Group B

    ₹ 1,500

  • Top 12 in Group C

    ₹ 1,500

  • Top 12 in Group D

    ₹ 1,500



    ₹ 600

league bg

Semi A

Semi B

Semi C

Semi D



Results will be updated on 2nd Aug (Friday)


Results will be updated on 2nd Aug (Friday)


Results will be updated on 2nd Aug (Friday)


Results will be updated on 2nd Aug (Friday)


Results will be updated on 2nd Aug (Friday)

  • How to register for GTVWS?

    Join Critical X guild on the game.tv App to register for the tournament: https://www.game.tv/t/o5d6Qb54c

  • Can I register for GTVWS if my age is not 16+?

    You must be at least 18 years old in order to participate in the tournament. 16+ players can also participate if they have the consent of their parent/guardian. If you are younger than 16 years, you cannot register for GTVWS. game.tv is not liable if underage participants register for the tournament. We will be disqualifying the player if we receive a report.

  • What are the phases of the tournament?

    GTVWS consists of 4 phases - Qualifiers phase 1, Qualifiers phase 2, Semi-finals and Finals. Check out the ruleset to learn more about the tournament format.

  • Who do I contact if I have any queries?

    Please contact @WG MOHAN#5599 or 💚SATTY 🙂#0201 on Discord if you have any queries. Alternatively, you can contact them on Critical X Guild chat - WG MOHAN & mafia satty

  • Can a team use substitutes after the tournament has already began and if they are not registered?

    Unregistered players are never allowed to join a GTVWS lobby.

  • Can I add or modify team members after I submit my registration?

    You can add/modify your team members as long as the registrations are still live. Once the registration closes, your entry will be locked.

  • How to join in-game qualifiers

    Once you have successfully registered for the tournament, check the tournament start-time of the qualifier in the tournament details page. You will receive a notification on your phone with lobby details when tournament match lobbies are created.

  • Where to find lobby ID and password?

    Check out previous question to learn how to find lobby ID and password for qualifiers.

  • Can I use an iPad instead of a Mobile phone?

    You are allowed to participate in GTVWS using any device. However, emulators are not allowed.

  • Can I use triggers or emulators?

    Triggers are allowed but emulators are not allowed.

  • A player is cheating/teaming or breaking some other rule in my match. What should I do?

    We take strict action against anyone who breaks our rules. If anyone is breaking any rule, Please report this to our moderators - WG MOHAN & mafia satty However, keep in mind that you need to have valid proof if you want to make a report. Invalid reports will be disregarded. The moderators will decide whether the proof given by the participant is valid or not.

  • How do I claim my prize after winning?

    Please contact WG MOHAN or mafia satty to claim your prize.